MuseBox Store

Free Mode

Face Detection
Face Landmarking
Face Recognition with mask
Glasses Detection
Mask Detection
Gender Detection
Eyes and Blinking Detection
Age Detection
Emotion Detection
Face Recognition
Object Detection
Object Recognition
Text Detection
Text Transcription
Logo Detection
Logo Recognition
Image Similarity
Video Enhancement
License Plate Detection
License Plate Recognition
People Detection
People Tracking
Social Distancing
People Counting
Pose Detection
Animal Detection
Audio Clustering
Audio Filtering
Audio Scene Classification
Audio Segmentation
Medical Segmentation
Work Security
Work Security
Video Stream Upscaling
Video Stream Upscaling
Business Attention Detection
Video Stream Attention Detection
Blurred Text
Text Autoblur
Team Tracking Sport
Team Tracking Sport
Smart Lock
Smart Lock
Smart animatronic
Smart educational
Sleep detection
Security-patient emergency
Recomendation system – Crowd Analysis
Recognize the Subject
Recognize the Subject
Recognize the Emotions
Recognize the Emotions
Quality Inspection of 3D printing
Babies Control
Blurred Plate
Plate Autoblur
Pet Control
Person Queue Dispatcher
Tracking in Supermarket
People Tracking in Supermarket
Patient on Bed
Patient on Bed Detection
Patient assistant
Parking Manager – Park Toll Manager
Parking Manager – Car Parking Security
Parking Manager – Car Parking Manager
Naming Tool
Naming Tool
Moving therapy/exercises Gaming
Physical Activity
Moving therapy/exercises
Music Mood
Mood Music Recommendation
Logo Infrangement Detector
Logo Infrangement Detector
Blurred Logo
Logo Autoblur
House Appliance Listing
Find the Object
Find the Object
Farm animals Control
Blurred Children
Children Autoblur
Car Queue Dispatcher
Audio Background
Background/Foreground Segmentation
Automatic Bill Detector
Auto DJ
Auto DJ
Audio Events
Auto Audio Playlist for Events
Audio to MIDI
Audio to MIDI
Disturb Detection
Audio Out-of-Order/Disturb Detection
Attention Detection
Attention Detection for Educational
Attention Detection for automotive
Abandoned Animals
Abandoned Animals

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